Conflict Resolution in Volunteer Groups: Coordinators' Approach

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14 Nov, 2023

Volunteer groups are an essential part of many organizations and communities. These groups rely on the dedication and commitment of their members to achieve their goals. However, working as part of a volunteer group can sometimes lead to conflicts and disagreements. It is the responsibility of the coordinators to effectively manage and resolve these conflicts to ensure the smooth functioning of the group. In this blog post, we will explore some effective approaches that coordinators can use to resolve conflicts in volunteer groups.

1. Establish open lines of communication

One of the first steps in conflict resolution is establishing open lines of communication within the group. Coordinators should create an environment where members feel comfortable expressing their opinions and concerns. This can be done by organizing regular meetings, setting up a group chat or email list, and providing opportunities for individual feedback. When members feel heard, they are more likely to work towards resolving conflicts.

2. Encourage active listening

Active listening is a crucial skill in conflict resolution. Coordinators should encourage all members involved in a conflict to actively listen to each other's perspectives without interrupting or judging. Active listening involves focusing on what the speaker is saying, asking clarifying questions, and summarizing their points. This helps to promote understanding and empathy among the members.

3. Foster a culture of empathy and understanding

Creating a culture of empathy and understanding is essential in resolving conflicts within volunteer groups. Coordinators should encourage members to put themselves in each other's shoes and consider the impact of their actions on others. This can be done through team-building activities, workshops on conflict resolution, and promoting a sense of community within the group. When members understand and empathize with each other, it becomes easier to find common ground and resolve conflicts.

4. Use a collaborative approach

Coordinators should promote a collaborative approach to conflict resolution. Instead of taking sides or imposing their own solutions, coordinators should facilitate a process where all members have equal opportunities to contribute and find mutually agreeable solutions. This can be done through brainstorming sessions, group discussions, or mediation techniques. By involving all members in the resolution process, coordinators empower them to take ownership and responsibility for resolving conflicts.

5. Address conflicts early

Addressing conflicts early is key to preventing them from escalating and causing more significant disruptions within the group. Coordinators should be proactive in addressing conflicts as soon as they arise by initiating conversations and providing a safe space for members to express their concerns. Early intervention allows for timely resolution and maintains the harmony within the group.

6. Employ a problem-solving approach

A problem-solving approach is highly effective in resolving conflicts. Coordinators should encourage members to focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the issues or assigning blame. This can be achieved by defining the problem, brainstorming possible solutions, evaluating their feasibility, and implementing the agreed-upon solution. By focusing on finding solutions, coordinators empower members to work together and move past the conflicts.

7. Provide ongoing support

Conflict resolution is an ongoing process. Coordinators should provide ongoing support to the group by checking in on the progress of conflict resolution efforts, offering guidance, and facilitating open communication. This helps to ensure that conflicts are fully resolved and do not resurface in the future.


Conflict resolution is an essential skill for coordinators of volunteer groups. By establishing open lines of communication, encouraging active listening, fostering a culture of empathy and understanding, using a collaborative approach, addressing conflicts early, employing a problem-solving approach, and providing ongoing support, coordinators can effectively manage and resolve conflicts within volunteer groups. This, in turn, promotes harmony and ensures the successful functioning of the group.


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