App Update: Portal creation wizard

Home / Blog / App Update: Portal creation wizard

06 Jul, 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.5 of our mobile app, both on Android and iOS.

This version ships with an exciting new feature: Portal creation wizard.

Previously, in order to create a new volunteer portal, app users had to click on a link in the app that opened the registration page of the website. Users had to then return to the app after a successful portal setup and login with their username and admin account details.

We aimed to streamline this process. Hence, we have implemented the entire process on the app itself!

On the new homepage of the app, we have added a 'Create Portal' button as seen below:

Clicking on this link brings up the portal creation form:

After successful portal creation, the user is automatically logged into their admin account and can start creating groups, members etc immediately.


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